What are varicose veins?

Veins carry blood to the heart, using an intricate system of one-way valves. There are both deep and superficial vein systems that are connected with one another by a third vein system called perforating veins. Sometimes valves in the superficial system (the veins close to the skin) do not function properly. They leak, becoming overfilled and distended and ultimately visible on the skins surface. This is what is called a varicose vein. As pressure increases, such as when standing for long periods of time, these veins may ache, throb, itch, become discolored or form skin ulcers. Varicose veins may also cause the affected leg to feel heavy and fatigued. Unfortunately, many of our patients have gone weeks and months suffering from these symptoms, unaware that the leg pain and fatigue are the consequence of their varicose veins. Many are also unaware that there are minimally invasive office-based treatment options available and that this treatment is covered by their insurance.

What are spider veins?

The medical term for spider veins is telangiectasia. These are threadlike tiny veins that tend to form in clusters. These may occur in combination with varicose veins or on their own. They are frequently related to exposure to sun or extreme temperatures. While they are generally not harmful, many of our patients find them unattractive. We can treat these veins with a specialized type of laser used specifically for this purpose. No punctures or incisions are necessary. The laser is targeted to the pigments in the blood, and destroys the vein. Over a period of four to six weeks, the vein disappears as it is reabsorbed by the body.